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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Low Earth Orbit: The Future to Keeping Sailors Connected

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Within the rapidly evolving landscape of maritime technology, the introduction of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite systems is projected to be a game-changer for the Royal Navy, particularly for our sailors, as it enables them to stay connected.

Most notably, the provision of Wi-Fi connectivity onboard HMS Protector enabled 90 of the ships company to stay connected with their loved ones over the festive period, even in the vast expanses of the open sea.

Historically, maintaining communication links during naval deployments presented significant challenges. Traditional satellite communication systems were often hampered by unreliable connectivity and poor signal coverage, leaving sailors frustrated with restricted access to the outside world.

The introduction of LEO satellites has reshaped this narrative. LEO satellites, positioned closer to Earth than traditional satellites, offer several advantages over their higher-altitude counterparts. With increased data transfer speeds, LEO satellites provide a reliable and efficient solution for seamless communication. This technological advancement has been harnessed to bridge the communication gap for sailors on our naval warships.

The implementation of LEO satellite technology on naval vessels involves the installation of advanced communication equipment capable of tapping into the satellite network. This equipment facilitates high-speed data transmission which is then connected to the existing onboard Wi-Fi. The implications of this connectivity go beyond mere internet access; it fosters morale and well-being among naval personnel by allowing them to connect with family and friends during deployments.

The ability to make video calls, exchange messages and stay updated with news from home contributes significantly to the mental and emotional resilience of sailors. Having the means to communicate with loved ones is a vital aspect of maintaining a healthy work-life balance for naval personnel.

As the Royal Navy continues to adapt to the demands of modern warfare and global connectivity, the integration of LEO satellite technology to provide access for welfare represents a remarkable stride forward. The once-isolated expanse of the ocean is now a space where sailors can stay connected, bridging the gap between duty and home with the power of advanced satellite technology.

We are at the beginning of this journey; work is already underway to deliver this capability across the fleet, reflecting a commitment to supporting the well-being and mental health of the dedicated men and women serving in the Royal Navy. This work will see further LEO trials being carried out on deployed units over the coming months prior to the introduction of a fully integrated capability planned for Summer 2024.

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